Antonio Metastasio

Dr Metastasio graduated Magna cum Laude in Medicine at the University of Perugia in Italy. He subsequently trained in Psychiatry in Cambridge. After his graduation Dr Metastasio completed a Master degree in Neuroscience at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London. Most recently Dr Metastasio graduated in MSt in Genomic Medicine at the University of Cambridge, the cradle of genetics in the UK. His thesis was on the pharmacogenomics of antipsychotics.

Dr Metastasio has a significant clinical experience in the field of psychiatry and of addictions. He has worked both in the public and in the private sector in the UK and in Italy. 

Dr Metastasio has extensively published in the field of depression, psychosis, alcohol and substance misuse, genomic medicine and rapid acting antidepressants. Recently he has been applying phenomenology to the study of psychedelics for clinical and creative purposes. He has been disseminating the result of his work by publishing in international peer review journals, giving lectures and holding seminars and workshops. 

He has been active in the field of rapid acting antidepressants for more than five years, and he has acquired a significant clinical experience.