Nicola De Pisapia, PhD

The Role of Altered States of Consciousness and Psychedelics in Therapy

Abstract: To set the stage for deeper clinical discussions on the therapeutic use of psychedelics, in this presentation we will discuss how Altered States of Consciousness (ASC), encompassing experiences like dreaming, trance, meditation, and states induced by psychedelic substances, can produce significant departures from ordinary consciousness, offering access to deeper psychological processes and new perspectives. By disrupting habitual thought patterns and inducing alterations in brain activity and functional connectivity, ASC facilitate emotional healing and cognitive flexibility, making them powerful tools in therapy. From the natural insights of dreams to the structured interventions of psychedelics, ASC are crucial in promoting psychological well-being and transformative change.

Brief Bio: Nicola De Pisapia is an Associate Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Trento's Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science, where he leads the Consciousness, Creativity, and Cognitive Control Research (CCCR) laboratory. His research spans the intersection of neuroscience, consciousness, and digital technologies, with a particular focus on meditation and altered states of consciousness. With experience in Italy, the UK, and the USA, as well as the founding of three neurotechnology startups, his work is centered on advancing our understanding of how these states of consciousness can enhance mental well-being and inform approaches to health and psychopathology.